Friday, April 3, 2009

Different types of psoriasis 2

Localized pustular psoriasis
An unusual form of the disease, pustular psoriasis is often found on the palms of
the hands or the soles of the feet. It can be very uncomfortable when you are
working with your hands or walking. Instead of thickened scaling patches, patients
often see brownish or whitish dots surrounded by inflamed red skin. Some patients
with pustular psoriasis also have plaques and patches of regular psoriasis.
Standard psoriasis treatments must be modified to treat pustular psoriasis. For
example, topical cortisones on the hands and feet usually have to be covered
withplastic gloves or plastic wrap to enable sufficient medication to penetrate the
thickened skin of the palms and soles.
Generalized pustular psoriasis
This is a very severe form of psoriasis in which the skin is covered with non-
infected pustules, which are collections of white blood cells appearing in the skin.
Patients feel very ill and frequently have fever. General pustular psoriasis of this
type may be caused by a number of things, including infections, medications
such as lithium, or the use of systemic cortisones. It may also occur as a reaction
to severe sunburn. Figure 4 shows generalized pustular psoriasis and its response
to treatment.
Generalized pustular psoriasis requires urgent dermatological care.
Fortunately, though, this form of the disease is rare.
Eczema-type psoriasis
This is most commonly found on the hands or feet. It is frequently itchy and very
inflamed with painful cracks or fissures. It may be more common in families
with a history of eczema. Treatment is gentle and consists of non-irritating
ointments, e.g. moisturizers, pimecrolimus cream (Elidel), tacrolimus (Protopic)
ointment and mild cortisones. It is possible that this type of psoriasis has different
genes than plaque psoriasis.
Common, plaque type
Erythrodermic (rare)
Pustular (rare)
Eczema-type psoriasis (often hands and feet)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for discussing the various types and kinds of this disease.It is primarily important to identify and then kill it through methodical steps.
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